Conduct Background Checks for Overseas Employees in Saudi Arabia

Why Conduct Background Checks?
Conducting background checks on abroad workers is pivotal to guarantee the professionalism of your tradejob seekers, and suitable candidates. This process helps to:

  • Verify the candidate’s character and qualifications
  • Check for any criminal records or history
  • Ensure compliance with Saudi Middle eastern labor laws and regulations
  • Reduce the hazard of extortion and misconduct

Steps to Conduct Background Checks in Saudi Arabia
Verify Records: Confirm the candidate’s international id, visa, and capabilities (degrees, certifications, etc.).
Check with the Saudi Arabian Ambassy: Contact the Saudi Arabia government office in the candidate’s domestic country to confirm their degrees and check for any travel restrictions.
Criminal Record Check: Conduct a criminal record check through the Saudi Arabia Agencies.
Reference Checks: Confirm the candidate’s past work history and check with their references.
Medical Check: Conduct a therapeutic check to guarantee the candidate is fit to work in Saudi Arabia.

At Union Manpower Services, we have a separate skills assessment center known as the Union Trade Test and Technical Training Center, where the skills are not only tested but we also provide trainings for various required skills. Additionally, we have free hostel facility for many trades training as well. For details and more information, kindly follow our facebook pages:



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